How to Teach 'Expressing feelings' in Form One - 'O' Level English

How to Teach 'Expressing feelings' in Form One - 'O' Level English

Welcome to UNIT 17.0

PREVIOUSLY: In Unit 16.0, we covered the sub topics; "Expressing personal opinions" in Form One; "Expressing state of health"  in Form One; "Talking about funerals" in Form Two; and "Creative writing" in Form Four.
IN THIS UNIT 17.0, we will cover the sub topics: "Expressing feelings" in Form One; "Expressing past activities" in Form One; "Expressing point of view" in Form Two; and "Writing speeches" in Form Four.

IN THIS UNIT 17.1, we will start covering the sub topic "Expressing feelings" in Form One.

Sub Topic: Expressing feelings
Periods per sub topic: 6
Class: Form One

Everyone has feelings. As long as everyone has feelings, then he/she can express them when he/she is in certain moods and various situations, settings or topics.

In this sub topic/lesson, the student should be able to express feelings. 

This stage is about the preparation of the teacher before undertaking the lessons of the particular sub topic. These are all activities, procedures, materials, teaching aids, and games prepared by the teacher for teaching a sub topic:

  1. Putting heads together: Introducing the topic/lesson properly. Organising how students will be able to get to know what is the topic/lesson about. It is where teacher makes sure that students are going to be in his/her train. It includes brainstorming and familiarisation of the topic/lesson with the students.
This makes students stay together with the teacher. It is at this stage students can understand what is going to be discussed in the particular topic.

In this sub topic/lesson; the teacher will brainstorm with students and demonstrate to students how someone feels. I remember one of my English language teachers asked one student to come in front of the class. Then, he took his hand and pressed it. He asked the student, 'How do you feel?' The student answered 'hurt'. That's a good demonstration but it should be carefully applied.
Oral questions:
What do you feel when you pass exams?
What do you feel when you get bad news?
What do you feel when your business goes down?
What do you feel when you show silly acts in front of people?
What do you feel when someone beats you?

All the answers from these questions will show how someone feels.

  1. Preparation of Materials. A teacher has to decide on the teaching/learning materials he/she is going to use.

In this sub topic/lesson: A teacher will have to prepare and use a variety of pictures depicting different feelings of the people. These pictures should vividly show the faces and actions of the when they have a certain feeling.

  1. Target Practice. Show them/Guide them to the practice of the functions of the sub topic. A teacher has to show or guide students to the target practice of the grammatical functions of the sub topic.

In this sub topic/lesson: Teacher will guide students to practice how to express feelings by using these grammar patterns and structures:
He is angry
I'm happy
I feel hungry
She is thirsty.

  1. Context-Based Practice. A teacher leads students to the discussion on how the target grammatical functions practised earlier can be applied or integrated into the contexts and situations. The students are guided by the teacher to apply the learnt skills in relevant contexts and situations like school and library.

In this sub topic/lesson: We see how people feel at home, school, hospital, or dispensary as well as other contexts. The teacher has to guide students to express how they feel in different contexts and in various matters.

  1. Vocabulary Building Practice. At this time, teacher discusses with the students on the vocabularies and phrases to apply in the already mentioned contexts and situations.

In this sub topic/lesson: The most commonly applied vocabularies in expressing feelings are: hungry, confused, annoyed, embarrassed, shocked, thirsty, angry, happy, anger.

Guide the students to the full sub topic/lesson procedures, activities and games for better understanding of the sub topic by following these activities:

ACTIVITY ONE: Brainstorming the sub topic/lesson through oral questions with answers, pair works, and group discussions of all important concepts to get students on track.
In this activity, the teacher brainstorms with the students on how people feel or react to various situations and point of views. Here the teacher can ask students what they know about feelings, how they express feelings, and how they can identify or express other people's feelings. The teacher can also ask them various oral questions which can bring them into the inner circles of the sub topic/lesson:
What do you feel when you are expecting unfamiliar thing?
I feel nervous.
What season makes you feel different?
Winter season make me feel cold all the time.
How do you feel when your body is dehydrated?
I feel tired.
What do you feel when you pass exams?
I become very excited.
What do you feel when someone wrongly step on your toes?
I feel hurt.

These questions will surely have prepared students to interact with the topic successful.

ACTIVITY TWO: Teacher's application of his/models or examples so as to bring the topic/lesson and the students into the real or common sense of the topic/lesson.

In this activity, the teacher has to apply pictures to demonstrate various feelings people experience when they are in certain moods or contexts. The teacher has a variety of choices here. He/she can use cartoons from the newspapers, magazines, or school gazettes and give them to students. Students can now discuss how these cartoons feel like. Cartoons are more effective because they make students laugh and more entertained.

Cartoons are good option in this topic. This is because they are simple to draw. The following series of Cartoons show various feelings people express when they are in various moods or in argument of point of views:

ACTIVITY THREE: Showing students how models like that of a teacher can be applied by them. Here students need to be guided on how to use given expressions, structures, vocabulary, and phrases or similar ones.

In this activity, first, with the help of the teacher, the students have to practice expressing their feelings and the feelings of other people.
Also in this activity, the teacher will guide students to demonstrate their abilities to express their feelings on various situations. They should use appropriate expressions and vocabularies to get perfect expression of desired feelings. Also these feelings are always experienced by the students; they should now learn to express them in English language.
Second, the teacher will guide students to practice expressing appropriate facial expressions to express particular feelings. Maybe these are the things they always do or see, but at this time they should express them meaningfully. For example, when someone is surprised or shocked, he/she always raise the eyebrows and open the mouth wide:
Wow! What a surprise!

ACTIVITY FOUR: Taking/leading students to the real situations or contexts where they can apply what they have mastered. Here speaking, reading or writing activities are involved.

In this activity, the teacher guides students to the more practices on expressing feelings by speaking and expressing facial expressions appropriately. The teacher has to give more emphasis on the importance of applying these expressive patterns. On emphasis, the teacher should guide Form One students to practice various adjectives of feelings, such as these below:
Feelings of Fear
Feelings of Anger
Feelings of Happiness
-          Afraid
-          Nervous
-          Worried
-          Unsettled
-          Suspicious
-          Shocked
-          Panicked
-          Anxious
-          Aggressive
-          Mad
-          Angry
-          Offended
-          Outraged
-          Hateful
-          Furious
-          Violent
-          Glad
-          Happy
-          Optimistic
-          Joyful
-          Blissful
-          Pleases
-          Excited
-          Cheerful

These adjectives together with many more adjectives that express feelings of people should be practiced by students in various ways.

ACTIVITY FIVE: Winding up the topic/lesson. Here teachers summarise the topic/lesson by emphasizing the importance of the sub topic/lesson and suggesting other related aspects of the sub topic/lesson.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: As a teacher, what other activity can be applied in this sub topic/lesson? You can always drop your alternative activity or activities to this article so as to improve teaching and learning of ‘O’ Level English Blog!

The Teacher can guide students to practice more adjectives. For more on practising adjectives, check out

Expressing feelings appropriately in appropriate contexts is the one of those communicative skills. Bearing this in mind, the teacher should ask students to reflect on how they express feelings and how other people express their feelings.

A teacher should design an evaluation for students by using appropriate assessment tools like oral questions or assignments so that to see if the student is able to express feelings.

Assessment #01: Individual work.
Ask students to individually write five sentences that express certain feelings and emotions.
Ask students to write the opposites of the underlined words in the following sentences:
I feel sad today
I was normal when I received daddy's gift
The baby is feeling cold
Ashura is calm
Students are interested

Assessment #02: Pair works
Ask students to work in pairs and discuss what feelings they can express with the words; sorry and apologise. They should express the feelings by speaking to one another.

Assessment #03: Group work.
Ask students to write the short dialogue on which two people are expressing feelings.
After that, the teacher has to ask each group to dramatize a particular dialogue on expressing feelings.

Note: You can give students more individual works, pair works, and group works to facilitate their interaction and understanding of the sub topic or lesson. As English language teacher you have to give students more works to do. Because language is meant to be largely spoken and written, the teacher should rely on written exercises and notes. Instead students have to learn English language by vigorously exercising individually, in pairs, and in groups.

We are born with the natural ability to express any feelings either automatically or in non-automatic way. There are voluntary and involuntary actions. However, all these together have meanings when it comes to communication through language and in this case, English language. Thus, in this sub topic, the teacher has to encourage students to use appropriate expressions and facial expressions to express the right feelings they have on particular contexts and point of views.
The teacher should also guide students to use these skills when they speaking in public like during morning speeches/talks, class debates, school debates, and in speech presentations.

NOTE: These stages explained above are not necessarily covered in a single lesson of single or double period. Remember that this is the guide for teaching the whole sub topic which has periods ranging from 6 to 20. So, the teacher's task is to divide these stages according to the total number of periods for a particular sub topic.


Title: “Form One English Language Notes with Grammar, Exercises and Key Answers”
Edition: 1st (2022)
Format: PDF
Size: 2.16 MB
Pages: 242
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This article is about how to study and teach "Expressing feelings" in Form One. As a student or teacher, what is your opinion on how to study and teach this sub topic/lesson?
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“List of Adjectives To Describe Feelings And Emotions – Learn English, Vocabulary, English,” N.p., 2017. Web. 27 Nov. 2017.

Emmanuel Kachele

Emmanuel Kachele is a founder and Blogger of KACHELE ONLINE Blog, an educational blog where 'O' Level English - 'OLE', 'A' Level English (ALE) and other related teaching and life skills are shared extensively. This is an online center for all Tanzanian Secondary School English Language students and teachers (Forms I-VI) and all interested English Language learners and teachers worldwide.


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  1. Good job man, keep it up, I real appreciate your willingness to help others, be blessed man

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