How to Teach 'Writing Curriculum Vitae (CV) ' in Form Four

How to Teach 'Writing Curriculum Vitae (CV) ' in Form Four

Welcome to UNIT 18.4 

PREVIOUSLY: In Unit 18.3, we discussed about the various ways of teaching the sub topic “Reading and obtaining general information" in Form Two.  

IN THIS UNIT 18.4, we will cover the sub topic “Writing curriculum vitae (CV)” in Form Four.

Sub Topic: Writing curriculum vitae (CV)
Periods per sub topic: 6
Class: Form Four

When someone wants a job, he/she may be asked to write a letter of application that is attached with a Curriculum Vitae (CV) as one of attachments. This is very common in the world of jobs. CV defines a person more inclusive than the letter. This is why most letters of application for jobs are accompanied by CVs.

In this sub topic/lesson, the student should be able to write his/her own CV.

This stage is about the preparation of the teacher before undertaking the lessons of the particular sub topic. These are all activities, procedures, materials, teaching aids, and games prepared by the teacher for teaching a sub topic:

  1. Putting heads together: Introducing the topic/lesson properly. Organising how students will be able to get to know what is the topic/lesson about. It is where teacher makes sure that students are going to be in his/her train. It includes brainstorming and familiarisation of the topic/lesson with the students.
This makes students stay together with the teacher. It is at this stage students can understand what is going to be discussed in the particular topic.
In this sub topic/lesson, the teacher will guide students to the brainstorming about the meaning of CV and discussion of why and how CVs are written.
By definition, a Curriculum vita (CV) is a type of document that includes person's education backgrounds and work experiences. This type of document includes important details of person and it is accompanied by the letter when someone is applying for a certain job.
Rationale of Writing CVs.
CVs are particularly written for the following reasons:
- To express a job someone wants.
- To provide the employer with enough information about the applicants.
- To describe clearly the education backgrounds of a person.
- To express the working experiences of a person.
The Curriculum vitae (CV) is written by using professional language with impersonal tone. CV is also written by following the proper or acceptable format of Writing CVs.

These aspects are instrumental for introducing students to the art of writing CVs.

  1. Preparation of Materials. A teacher has to decide on the teaching/learning materials he/she is going to use.
In this sub topic/lesson, the teacher will have to prepare sample CVs. Since the students will learn by watching and doing, these sample CVs supplied by the teacher will help students to demonstrate easily how to write CVs by following the proper formats.

  1. Target Practice. Show them/Guide them to the practice of the functions of the sub topic. A teacher has to show or guide students to the target practice of the grammatical functions of the sub topic.
In this sub topic/lesson, the teacher will guide students to practice how to write CVs by using appropriate format, vocabulary and styles. Some important expressions when writing CVs are:

1. Title 
2. Short Biography 
3. Full name
4. Date of birth
5. Age 
5. Marital status
6. Contact address
7. Education background
8. Working experiences
9. Work Duties 
10. Other skills
11. Referees

  1. Context-Based Practice. A teacher leads students to the discussion on how the target grammatical functions practised earlier can be applied or integrated into the contexts and situations. The students are guided by the teacher to apply the learnt skills in relevant contexts and situations like school and library.
In this sub topic/lesson, the teacher will guide students to think of the contexts like classroom and offices when writing CVs. A student can be asked to write CVs in schools, colleges, or universities as part of learning. But when he/she is seeking jobs in various offices, he/she should as well write CVs.

  1. Vocabulary Building Practice. At this time, teacher discusses with the students on the vocabularies and phrases to apply in the already mentioned contexts and situations.
In this sub topic/lesson: The most commonly applied vocabularies are: gender, CV, resume, biography, sex, nationality, marital status, hobby, referee, surname, second name.
Guide the students to the full sub topic/lesson procedures, activities and games for better understanding of the sub topic by following these activities:
ACTIVITY ONE: Brainstorming. The teacher has to brainstorm with the students on the sub topic/lesson's aspects through oral questions with answers, pair works, and group discussions of all important concepts to get students on track.
In this activity, the teacher to brainstorm with students and introduce the use of CV.
The Uses of CV
CVs have various uses. Here are some of them:
- To keep the academic trends.
- To record employment experiences of someone.
- To illustrate someone's skills

The teacher and students to discuss the format of CVs. After discussing the uses of CVs, the teacher will guide students to the discussion of the various formats of writing CVs and the acceptable format of writing CVs.

ACTIVITY TWO: Teacher's Demonstration. The teacher applies his/models or examples so as to bring the topic/lesson and the students into the real or common sense of the topic/lesson.
In this activity, the teacher gives his/her model CV to students. The students should be encouraged to carefully study the format and features of a CV as it is demonstrated by the teacher.
Teacher's Model

Full Name: John Dickson
Age: 24 Years.
Date of Birth: 08th June 1993.
Nationality: Tanzanian.
Marital Status: Single.
Address: P.O.Box 755, Mpanda-Katavi, Tanzania.
Mobile Telephone Number: +255755 331 133.

  1. Bachelor of Arts with Education (B.Sc.Ed) from The University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM)  2011-2014 in Dar es Salaam.
  2. Teaching License Induction Course from Tukuyu Teachers College 2007 in Tukuyu District, Mbeya Region.
  3. Advanced Certificate of Secondary Education (ACSEE) 2004-2006 from Kantalamba High School in Rukwa Region.
  4. Ordinary Certificate of Secondary Education (CSEE) 2000-2003 from Mwangaza Secondary School in Katavi Region.
  5. Certificate of Primary School Education (CPSEE) from Karema Primary School 1993-1999 in Mpanda District, Katavi Region.

  1. May 2014 – Present; Ward Education Officer in Mpanda Municipal Council.
  2. April 12th 2011 - March 30th 2014; Teacher at Karema Secondary School in Mpanda District-Katavi Region.
  3. February 01st 2009 – February 2011; Teacher at Utende Secondary School in Mpanda District, Katavi Region.
  4. October 2008 – Teaching Practice (TP) at Sumbawanga Secondary School in Sumbawanga Municipal.
  5. October 2007 – Teaching Practice (TP) at Mpanda Girls High School in Katavi Region.

  • Providing careers support and advice to students.
  • Finding, preparing and coordinating teaching and learning materials and other supplies.
  • Maintaining good levels of behavior.
  • Taking appropriate and effective measures when students misbehave.
  • Contributing to the implementation of school and departmental plans.
  • Planning, preparing and delivering lessons to a high standard.
  • Marking students’ works.
  • Preparing notes, textbooks, handouts, homework assignments and exercises.
  • Participating in meetings with other teachers and also parents.

  • Excellent classroom manager
  • Able to teach and train learners.
  • Knowledge of Chemistry Subject, Chemistry Laboratories, and Chemistry practical.
  • Able to provide high quality learning experiences for students.
  • A Qualified Teaching Rank (CSEE, ACSEE, B.Sc.Ed).
  • Friendly personality and excellent communicative and instructional skills in English and Kiswahili.
  • Basic Computer skills.
  • Comprehensive knowledge of national and local curriculum policies.
  • Sustainable Leadership skills.
  • Educational Psychology skills.
  • Able to conduct classes in a disciplined environment where students are challenged.
  • Critical Thinking and Argumentation skills.
  • Education Philosophy and Socialization skills.
  • Guidance and Counseling skills.

  • To believe in Teamwork.
  • To peacefully seek resolutions for the problems.
  • To work with people.
  • To uphold objective judgment.
  • Obedient to the rules of any legal organizations.
  • To read books.

Referee 1
Hassan Mrisho
Education Coordinator, Mpanda Municipal Council
Mobile: +255757 45 45 40.
Referee 2
Elizabeth Mwanisenga
Private Advocate, Mpanda Municipal Council
Mobile: +255763 40 40 44

ACTIVITY THREE: Students' Demonstration. The teacher guides students how they can apply a model like that of a teacher. The skills demonstrated by the teacher should now be demonstrated/applied by them. Here students need to be guided on how to use given expressions, structures, vocabulary, and phrases or similar ones.
In this activity, the teacher should guide students to practice writing CVs in groups, pairs or individually.
The teacher has to involve students in various group activities in which they can discuss, exchange ideas, and come up with better ideas for writing CVs. Each group should present their works before the class for assessment from others.
As students excel in group activities, the will give students individual activity on writing CVs. As each individual student writes, the teacher should move from one student to another assisting and and encouraging them to write CVs according to the purpose and format of writing CVs.

ACTIVITY FOUR: More Students' Activities. The teacher takes/leads students to other real situations or contexts where they can apply what they have mastered. Here speaking, reading or writing activities are involved.
In this activity, teacher gives students more reading or writing activities. These activities should aim at enabling them master the skills they have learnt by exercising them regularly.

ACTIVITY FIVE: Winding up the topic/lesson. Here teachers summarise the topic/lesson by emphasizing the importance of the sub topic/lesson and suggesting other related aspects of the sub topic/lesson.
In this activity, when the writing is completed, the teacher can finalise the sub topic/lesson by displaying the CVs for students to read each other's CVs.

ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY: As a teacher, what other activity can be applied in this sub topic/lesson? You can always drop your alternative activity or activities to this article so as to improve teaching and learning of 'O' Level English.
Ask students what they think they can do when they are looking for jobs after they have completed certain studies. Of course, there can be two sides: those who say they will just talk to the boss and ask for the jobs especially jobs like garage, street hawking, street vendors, shopkeepers, car washers, and other similar jobs, but the other side could always stick to the more formal way of asking for the jobs. These will say they will write a letter to a company or organization and apply for jobs. The students should be encouraged that all kinds of jobs need some education or experience backgrounds whether in oral forms or written forms. In written forms, we always talk about letters and CVs.

A teacher should design an evaluation for students by using appropriate assessment tools like oral questions or assignments so that to see if the student is able to write his/her own CV.

Assessment #01: Group work. A teacher can find a job vacancy in English Newspapers.
Ask students to write the CV of their own in groups. They should think of the kind of job or occupation they want to write about. After writing CV, they should draft and write the official letter to apply for a job related to the occupation introduced in CV.

Assessment #02: Pair works
Ask students in pairs to write each other's CV. One should write a CV to another. They should present before the class and by using given guidelines, the class will assess which is better CV.

Assessment #03: Individual work.
Ask students to think about the jobs they admire. Then, ask them to individually write a CV to you.

Note: You can give students more individual works, pair works, and group works to facilitate their interaction and understanding of the sub topic or lesson. As English language teacher you have to give students more works to do. Because language is meant to be largely spoken and written, the teacher should rely on written exercises and notes. Instead students have to learn English language by vigorously exercising individually, in pairs, and in groups.

Writing CVs for students does not only help them acquire CV writing skills, but also they are helped to express what occupations they really like. When give CV writing activities, students will have to think about the kind of the job they are writing for.
Thus, students have to be encouraged that writing CVs is the modern professional skill that any modern young man needs at hand. In this world where professionalism is a necessity, the students should not ignore this skill.

NOTE: These stages explained above are not necessarily covered in a single lesson of single or double period. Remember that this is the guide for teaching the whole sub topic which has periods ranging from 6 to 20. So, the teacher's task is to divide these stages according to the total number of periods for a particular sub topic.

This article is about how to study and teach "Writing Curriculum vitae (CV)" in Form Four. As a student or teacher, what is your opinion on how to study and teach this sub topic/lesson?
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Emmanuel Kachele

Emmanuel Kachele is a founder and Blogger of KACHELE ONLINE Blog, an educational blog where 'O' Level English - 'OLE', 'A' Level English (ALE) and other related teaching and life skills are shared extensively. This is an online center for all Tanzanian Secondary School English Language students and teachers (Forms I-VI) and all interested English Language learners and teachers worldwide.

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