Best Words, Phrases, Lines and Sentences To Include In Your Speech - Part 1

Best Words, Phrases, Lines and Sentences To Include In Your Speech - Part 1

(1) We, the members of Chama cha Mapinduzi, are proud of the........... 
ExampleWe, the members of Chama cha Mapinduzi, are proud of the achievements you have accomplished. 

(2) We look calmly and confidently to the future. 
ExampleBy signing this contract, we look calmly and confidently to the future

(3) It is clear that..... 
ExampleIt is clear that this success will be beneficial to the organisation. 

(4) Taking into consideration...... 
ExampleTaking into consideration what we have already achieved, our insurance company will maintain the better service it provides to its clients. 

(5) We are certain that...... 
ExampleBecause we are all here we are certain that everything will go as planned

(6) In particular,..... 
ExampleIn particular, I would like to address the achievements of the school. 

(7) Sad as it may be,..... 
ExampleSad as it may be, no one has been paying attention to this great invention. 

(8) We know that...... 
ExampleWe know that this change may be difficult at the beginning, but as the time goes, we will all be used to this wonderful service. 

(9) Having heard the profound report on....... 
ExampleHaving heard the profound report on recent school performances, I'm going to address the challenges facing our school. 

(10) After that outstanding information,.... 
ExampleAfter that outstanding information, here is a summary of the strategies our school has taken. 

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Emmanuel Kachele

Emmanuel Kachele is a founder and Blogger of KACHELE ONLINE Blog, an educational blog where 'O' Level English - 'OLE', 'A' Level English (ALE) and other related teaching and life skills are shared extensively. This is an online center for all Tanzanian Secondary School English Language students and teachers (Forms I-VI) and all interested English Language learners and teachers worldwide.

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