[1] On behalf of the Wedding Committee, Airtel Workers, and the Media, may we extend to you bride and bridegroom our warm greetings, wishes for success, and happy life for this wonderful marriage.
[2] It is a great honour and privilege for us to be able to participate at this wonderful meeting.
[3] I take this opportunity to convey my heartfelt greetings to all the members of the Chama cha Mapinduzi Party, to all men and women whose heroic works have helped us get this huge victory in this election.
[4] Please allow me to extend my brotherly greetings to you my brothers and sisters and wish you all the best in whatever you do.
[5] Please allow me, above all on behalf of my family to extend to you, my sincerest wishes for the success of your Institution.
[6] Please allow me, here, in this historical building, to convey my congratulations to all the University staff members for the great successes they have achieved.
[7] We would like to express our solidarity with this historic party, Chama cha Mapinduzi.
[8] Please accept fraternal greetings from Vodacom Company Limited.
[9] With confidence that I am expressing the innermost feelings of all my Party cadres, I extend to you, delegates of this annual meeting, our heartfelt greetings.
[10] Our greetings come straight from our heart, since friendship with you, the Ruling Party, has always been vital to us.
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