‘Kalulu the Hare’ is the short story about Kalulu (the hare). In this book there are 12 different stories or they can be called chapters. In these stories, Kalulu tricks other animals and make them look foolish or commit foolish acts after being tricked by Kalulu (hare). Kalulu is a Swahili name for ‘Hare’ and in East Africa; Kalulu is the famous trickster hero. Thus, in these 12 stories any reader can enjoy the cunning Kalulu and how he makes other animals look stupid.
The stories in the collection are Fables. Fables are animal stories that try to teach a moral lesson to the society. In this collection of 12 different stories and each one has its moral lesson to convey to the society. Although there is a moral lesson for each story, any reader can still use his/her own words to state each story’s moral lesson.
In this eBook, I have compiled five (5) stories out of twelve stories in this collection.
These stories are not necessarily to be read in series because each story is independent from others although reading in series is also a good idea for anyone who loves to read. This EBook includes Introduction to the whole story book, things to consider before reading, and language used in this story book. Also each story has a commentary (summary of important events for each story/chapter), characters involved, and guiding questions to help in reflecting on the story’s contents.
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1. Brainstorming (Before Reading)
Before reading a Class Reader, the teacher should guide students to use and discuss title, cover, blurb and other book illustrations to predict what a book will be about.
2. Reading
The students should also be guided to read a part of the Class Reader or the whole Class reader and answer the questions (obviously guiding questions given by the teacher) on various aspects like chapter’s events, characters, settings, and message. They should do this task in groups or pairs.
3. Analysing
3. Writing a book report (After Reading). The students are also guided by the teacher to write a book report. In their level, it is just a simple book report in which they can include only important details of the book they have read. Most commonly, the book report they should write should include the following aspects:
- Title
- What is the story about?
- The Setting of the story
- The characters of the story (Main and minor characters)
- Events of the story (general or for each chapter)
- The message of the story
- The lesson of the story
- How does the story ends?
The short story is set somewhere in the traditional environments like forests and villages.
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The short story has several characters like:
- Kalulu
- Lion
- Hyena
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The writer has used a very simple language that suits the level of Form One and Form Two Students. Although in some incidents the writer uses difficult English words, the kind of language used is still simple and understandable.
Figures of Speech
As usual, Form One and Form Two Students are only introduced to the few examples of figures of speech, and in this story, the following figures of speech can be identified:
These are statements that are considered wise and they teach the truth or a moral lesson.
“If a man is your friend, he will believe what you say. The people of the village were my friends, so they believed what I said” – from Chapter 8: “Kalulu and Wild Cat”.
“Do not be afraid of Hyena, my son. All bad things come to an end” – from Chapter 12: “All Bad Things Come To An End”
“My son, everything that your father says is true. Your father is very wise” – from Chapter 12: “All Bad Things Come To An End”
This is the figure of speech that compares two things by using conjunctions such as, ‘like’ and ‘as’.
“He looks like wild cat” – from Chapter 8: “Kalulu and Wild Cat”
This is the figure of speech that compares two things without using conjunctions such as, ‘like’ and ‘as’.
“You are Chief of the Village” – from Chapter 11: “How Kalulu Became Chief of the Village”
“I’m not your servant” – from Chapter 12: All Bad Things Come to An End”
This is the situation of making things look bigger than they really are.
“When people’s clothes are old they buy new clothes. Where are all the old clothes? Why is there not a mountain of old clothes in the country?” – from Chapter 3: “How Kalulu Got a Blanket”
“I will call you with a voice which is heard by all and which is above all” - from Chapter 11: “How Kalulu Became Chief of the Village”
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One day, King Lion ordered all old animals to be killed in his kingdom because they were not useful. He said they are lazy. But one day, King Lion fell asleep and snake entered into his open mouth.
King Lion called all animals to help him get the snake out of his stomach. Unfortunately, all young animals failed because they knew nothing. Then King Lion regretted killing wise old animals that could help him.
The son of Kalulu went to King Lion and asked him if he could not kill any old animal that could help him. King Lion agreed to the plan and Kalulu’s son went and called his father who was hiding.
The old Kalulu caught a mouse and came to the king. Before performing his work, old Kalulu asked King Lion that if he manages to get a snake out of his stomach, he should be given a half of King Lion’s country. The King Lion agreed.
Then Kalulu told the King Lion to sleep and keep his mouth wide open. Kalulu put a mouse on the ground and snake saw the mouse. The snake came out to catch the mouse. So King Lion gave Kalulu a half of his country and he did not kill any older animals.
Moral lesson: “Old is gold”
- King Lion
- Kalulu
- Snake
- Cat
- Kalulu’s son
This chapter has the following messages:
Laziness. King Lion says many animals are lazy.
Ignorance. Many animals are ignorant because they fail to remove the snake from the King Lion’ stomach.
Wisdom. Some animals like Kalulu’s old father are wise. This is because Kalulu’s father is the one who manages to remove the snake from King Lion’s stomach.
Arrogance. King Lion is arrogant when he says that all animals are lazy except him.
Promises. King Lion is a good leader. He keeps his promises when he gives half of his country to Kalulu’s father who succeeds to remove the snake from his stomach.
Conflict. There is a conflict between King Lion and other animals.
Old is gold. This is proven when Kalulu’s father who is old succeeds to remove the snake from King Lion while the young animals have failed.
We should not be lazy. We should work hard all the time.
It is not good to be arrogant even if you think you are better than others.
We should keep promises we make to others.
We should avoid unnecessary conflicts.
General Chapter Two Questions:
- What is the chapter about?
- Who are chapter’s main characters?
- What are interesting events of the chapter?
- What lesson do you learn from this chapter?
- Is the main character a good person? Give reason for your answer.
- How does the chapter ends? Happy or sad?
Other Chapter Two Questions:
- Who was the King of the country?
- What did the King order to do to all old animals?
- Was King Lion right about old animals?
- What happened to King Lion when he fell asleep one day?
- What entered into his mouth?
- Who failed to help King Lion get snake out of his mouth?
- What did Kalulu’s son say to King Lion?
- Who came to help King Lion?
- What was agreement between King Lion and Kalulu’s father?
- What did Kalulu’s father do to get the snake out of King Lion’s mouth?
- What was given to Kalulu’s father as a payment?
- Is it fair to kill each other?
- Do you agree that young and old people depend on each other? Give reasons
- What do you learn from this story?
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Worthington, F (1996) Kalulu the Hare, Heinemann.