PREVIOUSLY: In Unit 13.1, "Talking
about ownership or possession" in Form One was discussed.
IN THIS UNIT 13.2, "Describing things" in Form Two will be covered.
Sub Topic: Describing things.
Periods per sub topic: 10
Class: Form Two.
Obviously, without
descriptions, we could not get to know most of the things. Take an example of
any you have never seen before not with a picture, and ask yourself how did you
get to know it? Actually, you know it through descriptions. You may been told
about the giant snake like Anaconda but only through descriptions, and when you
really see it, it is when you can prove that: 'Yes, this is what I was told about'. Most of the things are
described but we have never seen them before.
In this sub topic, students
will learn how to describe things in terms of quality and quantity by using
appropriate expressions and vocabularies.
Part One: Describing things in terms of quality.
In this sub topic, the student
should be able to describe things in terms of their quality. The student will
have the skills of using proper words, phrases, and expressions in expressing
things according to their qualities.
This stage is about the
preparation of the teacher before undertaking the lessons of the particular sub
topic. These are all activities, procedures, materials, teaching aids, and
games prepared by the teacher for teaching a sub topic:
- Putting heads together: Introducing
the topic/lesson properly. Organising how students will be able to get to
know what is the topic/lesson about. It is where teacher makes sure that
students are going to be in his/her train. It includes brainstorming and familiarisation
of the topic/lesson with the students.
This makes students
stay together with the teacher. It is at this stage students can understand
what is going to be discussed in the particular topic.
In this sub topic/lesson; the teacher will brainstorm
with the students on the meaning of the word ‘describe’ (v) and ‘description’
(n), and how things are described.
- Preparation of Materials. A teacher has
to decide on the teaching/learning materials he/she is going to use.
In this sub topic/lesson: In terms of teaching media,
teacher is going to apply various cards, pictures, diagrams, and texts as well.
For example, colours are easy to prepare. You can take marker pens of different
colours and draw various objects.
- Target Practice. At this
point, teacher shows/guides students how to the practice of the functions
of the sub topic. A teacher has to show or guide students to the target
practice of the grammatical functions of the sub topic.
In this sub topic/lesson; teacher will guide students
to the application of various appropriate expressions when talking about things
in terms of their quality. Some common
expressions are: beautiful;. ugly; A tall building; ...this is brown/purple/orange; handsome;...
is a pretty...; .....not a white....
Sentence Examples:
- Asha is very tall.
- Khadija is beautiful.
- That girl is pretty.
- That car is brown.
- He is handsome.
- There is the tallest building at the centre of the town.
Note: All adjectives in bold letters are used to
describe quality of things.
- Context-Based Practice. A teacher
leads students to the discussion on how the target grammatical functions
practised earlier can be applied or integrated into the contexts and
situations. The students are guided by the teacher to apply the learnt
skills in relevant contexts and situations like homes, school, library and
other literary settings.
In this sub topic/lesson; the appropriate contexts or
situations for this topic/lesson are contexts of school and home. Students will
be guided to describe things in terms of quality at school and at home.
- Vocabulary Building Practice. At this time,
teacher discusses with the students on the vocabularies and phrases to
apply in the already mentioned contexts and situations.
In this sub topic/lesson; teacher will have to
introduce students to widely used expressions when describing things in terms
of quality such as: sky-blue, sea, blue, maroon, triangle, square, circle,
rectangle, polygon, and hexagon. All these vocabularies express colour, shapes,
appearances etc.
Guide the students to the full
lesson procedures, activities and games for the better understanding of the sub
topic by following these activities:
The teacher to introduces students to the meaning of the concept ‘quality'.
After introducing this concept well, the teacher can now guide students to the
discussion of things in terms of quality. The things can be described in terms
of quality by looking at the following areas;
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is', and 'are'; For example:
- This house has been painted white.
- She has blue eyes.
- My grandfather has grey hair.
- Your teeth are so white.
- I have black hair.
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is', and 'are'; For example:
- My friend is 14 years old
- My mother is 35 years old
- How old are you?
- I'm 13 years old
- She is old.
- Their baby is 4 months old.
- They are 20 years old
- He is older than me
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is', and 'are'; For example:
- He is tall.
- I'm short.
- She has medium-height
- Juma has average- height
- She is fairly tall.
- I'm fairly short.
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is', and 'are'; For example:
- She has long hair
- She has short hair
- John has curly hair
- She has red hair
- He has dreadlocks
of the body
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is',
and 'are';
For example:
- My friend is very skinny.
- She has slim body.
- Her chubby body is not attractive
- You have become so fat
- This box is heavy.
Things introduced in terms of colour
are introduced by using verbs 'am', 'is', and 'are'; For example:
Note: Almost everything
can be described in terms of quality. Or it may be described in terms of other
measures, but one important thing to remember is that things are not only
described in terms of age, colour, etc.
By using the well-prepared coloured pictures and other pictures, the teacher
uses pictures, people, things, and objects to describe various things both
inside and the classroom.
are some examples:
- This ruler is short. That ruler is long.
- I prefer plastic ruler to wooden ruler.
- Transparent ruler is great.
- Your school bag is empty.
- My chalks are white.
- This board is black.
- This book has blue cover.
Three: Under the teacher's guidance, students will be guided to practice
giving descriptions of things in terms of their quality within and outside
The students have to apply the
skills introduced to them by the teacher. They can almost use the same
expressions used by the teacher in his/her demonstrations, but the qualities of
their things may be different.
The responses from students
can be as follows:
the classroom.
- The walls of the classroom are white.
- Chalks are white.
- Board is black.
- This duster is dusty.
- The door is blue.
- Juma's school bag is pink.
- Your pencil colour is orange.
the classroom.
- The teachers are smart.
- Headmaster/Headmistress likes hardworking students.
- The school library is packed with books.
- Our laboratories are well-organised.
- The school milling machine is blue in colour.
Four: Here the students will be guided by the teacher to read a variety of
texts and note down descriptions of things. A teacher should provide any text
about description of things and ask students to note down the sentences that
show description of things.
Teacher’s Model
Uncle Ben's Garden
Mike and Nicky
are friends. One day, they had conversation on Uncle Ben's garden. Mike knows
very much about Uncle Ben's garden, and this was their conversation.
MIKE: Last weekend, I
went to my Uncle Ben's garden.
NICKY: Oh, yeah. I have
been there too. What did you find this time?
MIKE: Oh, it was great
as usual. I really enjoyed. And this time, the garden is well organized. Now it
is evergreen with fresh air.
NICKY: Wow! It's great!. What other things are in
the garden?
MIKE: There are various
amazing things. There are flourishing vegetables such as Chinese cabbage,
potatoes, peppers, onions, yams and carrots.
NICKY: Really? I'm
interested. I like vegetables. They are beneficial for the health. Did you take
some of them?
MIKE: Yes, I did. We
will eat some vegetables at dinner today. However, Uncle Ben's garden does not
only grow vegetables, it also have good for health fruits like lemons, oranges,
peas, mangoes, bananas, and avocados. His garden is really complete and
NICKY: Did you take some
fruits? You know, I'm quite crazy about fruits especially avocados and bananas!
MIKE: Yes, my Uncle is
always a generous man. He is also planning to expand his garden and grow more
vegetables and fruits. You know, fruits and vegetables are needed very much
these days.
NICKY: Of course, they
are in great demand nowadays. Next time, you should take me there too. I want
to learn how to grow vegetables and fruits like your Uncle.
MIKE: No problem my friend.
Note: A teacher should
now prepare some comprehension questions to guide students to be able to easily
identify the descriptive words and understand the content:
Four: Students' Practice Time. Teacher will ask students to write their own
short texts to describe quality of things of their choice. To facilitate this
writing activity, teacher asks students to be in pairs or groups, then ask them
to write not less than sentences that show the description of things in terms
of quality. This activity depends on teacher's choice. The teacher may ask
students to write a text like the one provided above or ask them to write
Five: There are two options in this activity. First, students can exchange
their works for their own assessment guided by the teacher, and second to
present what they have written to the classroom boards for the rest of the
class to see.
Adjectives of Quality
By definition, adjective is a
describing word. It is the word that tells more about a noun, such as; fertile
land, difficult question, my school. In these examples, fertile, difficult, and my
are adjectives telling more about nouns; land,
question, and school.
of Quality are the adjectives that are used to describe the nature of a subject or
a noun. They are also the adjectives that describe or show the kind or quality
of nouns or pronouns. Some examples are:
Those formed from nouns are:
Gold – golden, as golden
age, golden boot.
Power – powerful, as in
powerful person, powerful animal.
Those formed from verbs are:
Please – pleasant, as in
pleasant environment, pleasant smell.
Talk – talkative, as in
he is a talkative person.
Use – useful, as in
useful information.
Those formed from other adjectives are:
Red- reddish, as in
reddish colour.
Just – justifiable, as
in justifiable information.
Other Quality Adjectives are:
Opinions: hot, beautiful,
pretty, handsome.
Colours: blue, brown,
Time: daily, weekly,
monthly, yearly, hourly.
Material: cotton, silver,
gold, diamond.
Touch: sticky, tasty,
soft, loose, slippery, sharp, wet, stiff, solid, hard.
Origin: Latin, French,
Shapes: spherical, round,
flat, rectangular, curved, convex, triangular, vertical, horizontal.
Age: new, old, ancient,
Feelings: upset, angry,
glad, sweet, joy, ugly, happy, weak, foolish, tired, evil, proud.
Sizes: thin, small, big,
large, huge, massive, great, fat, tall.
Qualities: good, nice,
Tone: sarcastic, loving,
clever, political, annoyed, bitter, bold, happy, devoted, social.
Adjectives that are formed
from proper nouns are also called Adjectives of Quality. These adjectives are
like: Indian Ocean; Tanzanian Court;
Swahili culture.
Students can be guided by the
teacher to form various sentences by using this list of Adjective of Quality. A
teacher may form any suitable activity for the students to get more interacted
with these kinds of adjectives.
Ask students how they describe
things to other people at home, neighbourhood, church, Town Street, or at
school. For example, what expressions do they use when they describe something
to someone else?
Also ask them how they
describe people to other people. For example, what expressions do they use when
they are describing someone to someone else who does not know how the person
looks like?
The teacher should use
relevant assessment tools like oral questions, drills, games, exercises, pair
works, group works, and assignments so that to check if a student is able to
describe things in terms of their quality.
the students can be assessed in the following ways:
Assessment 01: Individual work
Ask students individually if
they can describe things and people in terms of quality by using appropriate
words that express quality of things.
This can be done by giving
them various questions and check their responses in oral and in written forms.
Assessment 02: Pairs
Give students the task of
describing things in terms of quality in pairs. This will improve their
speaking and listening skills. This also helps students to interact socially
with other students.
Assessment 03: Telling Descriptive stories
Also the teacher may give
students in groups to tell very short stories while describing things in terms
of quality.
Assessment 04: Matching items
Match the following items that
express quality:
10. Hot
11. Smooth
12. Straight hair
13. Straight road
Game 01: Playing with word cards.
to Play
A teacher may prepare some
cards of various things. Then allow each student to come forward and pick up a
card of his/her own, then he/she should describe the thing he/she has found in
the particular card. These cards may include the common names and things such
as: Hen, cow, goat, school, blackboard, school gazette, chalk, and the like.
The student’s task is to describe the item he/she has picked by using
appropriate words.
Note: If the class is
large, students can be in pairs or even in groups. In this situation, a group
picks a card, discuss it in 2 minutes, and the choose the one to present it by
describing the particular item found in the card.
Give them the advantages of
descriptive language and how it plays a great role in our life. Show them how
important it is to have the ability of describing something to others in terms
of quality.
NOTE: These stages
explained above are not necessarily covered in a single lesson of single or
double period. Remember that this is the guide for teaching the whole sub topic
which has periods ranging from 6 to 20. So, the teacher's task is to divide
these stages according to the total number of periods for a particular sub
This article is about how to
study and teach "Talking about possession or ownership" in Form One.
As a student or teacher, what is your opinion on how to study and teach this
sub topic/lesson?
Your opinion is worth and I
believe that it can make these materials better for our own consumption.
You are Welcome!
Accessed 09 August 2017
Title: “Form Two English Language Notes with Grammar, Exercises and Key Answers”
Edition: 1st (2022)
Format: PDF
Size: 2.70 MB
Pages: 181
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