01. Read the
following passage then answer the questions that follow:
One day when I was standard seven my fellow student called Najma told me that Basic mathematics subject is very difficult in secondary school level. This made me develop fear and totally unconfident when I joined forms, one class, this year. We conducted orientation course for about six weeks (one month and two weeks) which made us fit to be taught by using English language as the medium of instruction in secondary schools. During orientation our class master Mr Makungu advised us we should not bother whatever subjects because all subjects are simple.
Thus, I advise my fellow students who used to claim
that some subject is more difficult than other, to avoid that wrong perception
because nothing is impossible.
(a) Suggest the
title of the passage of not more than five words
(b) For how long
orientation course carried out?
(c) Which
subject claim to be difficult according to the passage?
(d) Identify the
language which is used as a medium of instruction at the secondary level
(e) According to
your views, which subject seems to be difficult? Give reason
02. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that
Animals are not all the same. Some are big and some
are small. Some of them live on land and some of them live in water. The
largest animal in the world is the blue whale. It lives in the oceans. It can
grow up to 150 tonnes in weight and it can measure 100 feet in length.
The biggest animal on land is the African elephant. It
is also the strongest. The tallest animal in the world is the giraffe. It has
got long legs and a very long neck. The most colourful feathers. Some animals
are very ugly. The hippopotamus is possibly the ugliest. The cheetah is
certainly the fastest and the snail is perhaps the slowest animal in the world.
What is the
title of the passage?
Mention three
(03) features of the giraffe as shown in the passage
Is the elephant
the largest animal in the world?
What is the ugliest animal in the world?
How many tones
in weight can the blue whale grow?
03. Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions that follow by writing a
letter of the correct answer in the box provided (FTNA
In order to make soap, you need raw materials like oil
and soda. You can use either vegetable oil or animal’s fats. Vegetable oil can
be obtained from palms, coconut, Soya beans, cotton seeds and whales. Caustic
soda could be bought from SIDO stores. The following are the instruction for
making soap.
First, oil is boiled in large drums; next caustic soda
solution is added into the boiling oil. The liquid gradually rises and some
bubbles are formed. When this happens some cold water and salt solution are
added. This prevents the liquid soap from spilling over and stops it from
becoming too thick.
The liquid is further boiled to produce soap and thick
oil called glycerine. Next, some salt solution is added to separate the glycerine
from the soap. Some perfumes and colours may be added at this stage.
Glycerine is removed and the soap is put in boxes to
give it a shape. It then left to harden finally. It is removed from the box and
bars. At these stages, the soap is already and can be used.
(a) Write the letter of the correct answer in the box provided.
(I) the
suitable title of this passage should be;
Soap industry (b) Produce Soap (c) Raw
materials (d) Soap making (
(ii) In order
to make soap you need
Vegetable oil of glycerine (b) Oil and
caustic soda (
(c) Material from SIDO (d) Boiled oil from vegetable
(iii) Salt the solution is added to the soap;
(a) To
make a good taste (b) to make the
smell good ( )
(c) To
separate the glycerine from the soap (d)
to give it shape
(iv) When glycerine
is removed it helps the soap to;
(a) Get
shape (b) get colour (c) to boil fast (d) harden (
(v) Raw
materials are anything that;
(a) Can be used to make soap (b) can be used for decoration (
(c) Is added to make things (d) is used in the production of
(vi) The final stage during soap making is that;
(a) Add
perfumes and colours (b) remove the soap
from the box (
Store the soap in a dry place (d)
Wash your clothes by using that soap
(vii) You can
use either ___ or ___ to make soap
Coconut or palm (b) Caustic soda or
salt solution ( )
(c) Oil or boiled water (d)
Vegetable oil or animal fat
(viii) When __
is added to the boiling, the lipid gradually rises and some bubbles are formed;
Cold water (b) Caustic soda (c) cotton seeds (d) Animal fats (
(ix) According
to the page how many things are used to get vegetable oil?
Five things (b) six things (c) Four things (d) Two things (
(x) Caustic
soda could be bought from;
Supermarket (b) Shops (c) Sido (d) Soda industries ( )
(b) Write TRUE (T)
if the statement is correct or FALSE (F) if the statement is not correct for
the following sentences.
Vegetable oil
can change colour and perfume of soap ____
(ii) SIDO is the industry of soap ____
Caustic soda is
chemical ____
To make a soap
good taste add salt solution____
(v) Minerals like gold and diamond are raw materials ____
04. Read the following passage carefully
and answer the questions that follow :( FTNA
think Tanzania’s forests are in danger of disappearing. It is possible that
Tanzania might lose its entire forest cover in less than a century if urgent
measures are not taken to control the rate of cutting the trees down. It is
estimated that about a million acres of forest are lost each year.
Kilimanjaro has been severely affected by indiscrimination by cutting down trees and frequent bush fires. The deforestation on its slopes has probably
contributed to the melting of its glaciers. And this, I think, accelerates the
demise of the snow caps. According to the UN, Tanzania’s population may be
increasing by over two percentages per year; such an increase is likely to speed
up the rate of deforestation due to the demand for charcoal. Charcoal is the
cheapest source of energy. Not only is that but also another cause of
deforestation of Tanzania’s forest demand for firewood, timber as well as
(a) Answer the
following questions with reference from the passage:
the title of the passage with one word _______________
will happen if the measures will not be taken to control the rate of cutting
trees? _____________________________________________________
to the passage the Mount Kilimanjaro affected by ______________
out the suggestion UN about Tanzania’s population ________________________
to the passage give out four (4) causes of deforestation in Tanzania:
(a) ______________________________
(b) ______________________________
(c) ______________________________
(d) ______________________________
(b) Write T against
sentence if the statement is true and F if the statement is not true.
think Tanzania’s forests are in trouble __________
is taking place at an alarming rate _______
is expensive source of energy ____________
Kilimanjaro’s glaciers are benefits due to the cutting down trees ________
are important so as to control the rate of cutting down trees ________
05. Read the following letter
below and answer the questions that follow after each:
P.O.Box 294,
2nd February 2020.
Dear Ulida,
How are you? Do you like your new school? Salmon and I are in Form IA at
Sibwesa Secondary School. It’s not far from our house. It’s a good school. We
like it” we do a lot of reading and writing. We talk English all day. It’s not
easy but we enjoy it. I’m working hard and Bakari is working hard too. Do you
like your new school?
Will you write to me and tell me about it?
Say hello to your brother Ngwido
Which school
does Adreana go to? _________________________________
Is her brother
at the same school? __________________________________
Do they like
their new school? ____________________________________
What is the name
of Adreana’s brother? _____________________________
Who wrote the
letter? ___________________________________________
Happy revision!
This article has been compiled by Kachele Online Blog.
more notes & resources, visit: www.kacheleonline.co.tz
See also:
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[2] Academic Words Answers 1 - 50
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[13] Vocabulary
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[14] Vocabulary
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[15] Vocabulary
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[16] Vocabulary Answers
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[17] English Grammar questions
[18] 51-100 General
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[20] 1-50 General
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[26] 1-50 General
Literature Questions
[27] 1-50 General
Literature Answers
[28] 1-50 General
Grammar Questions
[29] 1-50 General
Grammar Answers

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